What is Quepid?

Before we go furthur, what exactly is Quepid? Quepid is a tool to help you improve your organization's search results. It is a web-based application and can either be used at https://app.quepid.com or it can be installed on your own hardware. Quepid makes improving your app's search results a repeatable, reliable engineering process that the whole team can understand

Did you know?

Did you know? Quepid is an open source project open to everyone! If you have a passion for helping others improve search relevance visit the project on GitHub to learn how to contribute.

Quepid was created and designed to address three pain-points often experienced during search relevancy improvement:

For more high-level information on Quepid take a look at the Quepid Core Concepts.

Now that we are familiar with Quepid's purpose and the search relevance pain-points it was designed to alleviate, let's get into the tutorials!